Friday 20 March 2020

Ideal Candidate for an Eyelid Lift | Plastic Surgery

Considering Plastic Surgery? Check out these resources: The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery: Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery: The Miracle of Makeup: Navigate Your Beauty: Smart and Safe Plastic Surgery Solutions: Essentials of Plastic Surgery: Watch more Plastic Surgery Guide videos: The ideal candidate for eyelid surgery is anyone who has excess upper or lower eyelid tissue. Now this tissue can be a combination of skin, muscle and fat. And during eyelid surgery we tend to remove a combination of these 3 entities, either skin, muscle, fat or all 3. In addition, as we age our eye structures tends to loosen and sometimes the lower eyelid laxity gets to the point where some of the white part of the eye is visible just above the lower eyelid. A patient who has that is also a good candidate for having the lower eyelid tightened. Patients who would not necessarily be good candidates for eyelid surgery are patients who have pre-existing eye conditions, such as dry eye or any other sort of eye deformity. So, a conversation with both your plastic surgeon and your ophthalmologist about whether or not you're an ideal candidate for this type of surgery should certainly be had.

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