Tuesday, 8 September 2020

This Old House | Construction Gets a Jumpstart (S39 E4) | FULL EPISODE

Kevin and Tom build a new subfloor. Richard hunts for an old clawfoot tub. Tom demonstrates how to check porch level and build a hip roof. Kevin learns about a job training program in Baltimore. SUBSCRIBE to This Old House: http://bit.ly/SubscribeThisOldHouse Enjoying full-episodes of This Old House? Join This Old House INSIDER to stream every episode ever made of This Old House (over 1,000 hours), commercial-free. https://bit.ly/32CLaGe   Plus, download our FREE app for full-episode streaming to your connected TV, phone or tablet: https://bit.ly/34RYEP5 Kevin arrives to find Tommy working on fixing the old addition subfloor. When he first toured the house, Tommy noticed a 3/4-inch elevation change between the dining room and the family room. They also need to restructure the corner of the floor where the new wood-burning stove will go. Meanwhile, Richard travels to an architectural salvage yard in New Hampshire to meet the homeowners and their designer, Chloe Rideout, as they shop for the right tub. Liz and Joe want a very traditional look for their new master bath. Chloe thinks an antique claw-foot tub should be the focal point. Back in Newton, the front porch can use a lot of love. Tommy shows the apprentices how far out of level it is, and he's coming up with a plan to fix it. Kevin travels to the rough neighborhoods of Baltimore to find a Generation NEXT success story. It's called Project JumpStart, and it helps turn recovering drug addicts and nonviolent offenders into job candidates for the construction trades. Back at the project house, the architect has drawn a hip roof over the new garage. Tommy teaches the apprentices how to calculate the cuts needed to make the rafters. Follow This Old House: Facebook: http://bit.ly/ThisOldHouseFB Twitter: http://bit.ly/ThisOldHouseTwitter Pinterest: http://bit.ly/ThisOldHousePinterest Instagram: http://bit.ly/ThisOldHouseIG This Old House | Construction Gets a Jumpstart (S39 E4) | FULL EPISODEhttps://http://www.youtube.com/user/thisoldhouse/

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