Wednesday 19 August 2020

Ideal Candidate for a Butt Lift | Plastic Surgery

Full Playlist: An ideal candidate for a butt lift would be anyone who is interested in increasing the size, shape, or appearance of their buttock.  The safest way to perform a butt lift or butt augmentation is by using a patients own tissue. In general, we use fat in order to perform butt lifts and butt augmentation that we take from another part of the patients body. In order to perform a butt lift or a butt augmentation an ideal candidate would have a sufficient amount of fatty tissue in another part of their body. This part of their body could be the abdomen, the flanks, the arms, the legs, the upper back area. So an ideal candidate is someone who lacks the desired amount of fatty tissue in their buttock and also has enough fatty tissue somewhere else, where that fatty tissue can be harvested, processed and transferred into syringes and injected into the buttock.

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