Wednesday 12 August 2020

How to Do a Ball Squat | Sexy Butt

Full Playlist - How to do a ball squat for a sexy butt. So you'll need an exercise ball for this exercise, and a wall. So you're going to take your ball, stick it at the wall. And you are going to place the ball right about your butt area, just right above it. Now you're going to walk your feet out in front of you in a squat position, so you're feet are a little wider than shoulder width apart. And here you really want to focus on pressing your butt all the way back into the ball. So, same way as you would do a regular squat, weight is load in your heels. You want to think you can wiggle your toes, keep that weight in your heels. And you're going to come all the way down on that ball, squat all the way down. Dig through those heels, press it all the way up. So a really fun little, not as much fun, more like painful, but good pain. Good sexy butt pain. Tip right here that I like to do, is I like to do a little hold, so you hold this position here. You're really going to feel that burn all throughout the butt, the back, the legs, even in the front of the legs. But you really want to push the hips back. Keep the weight in those heels, so you feel this mostly in that butt area. So just holding it here, 10 second hold, 10 little pulses down and up. Really get it going in the back of the legs and the butt area. And then continue, keep on going down and up. That's really going to tire out that muscle at the back of the leg and that butt. And that's how you do a ball squat for a sexy butt.

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