Friday 23 November 2018

Is a Little Drinking While Pregnant OK? | Alcoholism

Alcoholism is disease, here’s some resources to help you fight back: Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach I Need to Stop Drinking!: How to get back your self-respect. Why You Drink and How to Stop: A Journey to Freedom: Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book: Alcoholics: Dealing With an Alcoholic Family Member, Friend or Someone You Love: Watch more How to Understand Alcoholism videos: Women often want to know when they're pregnant if it's safe to drink at all during pregnancy. This has been a controversial topic. There are some obstetricians who will recommend that women abstain from alcohol completely during their pregnancy. Other obstetricians will say that it's okay for a woman to drink small amounts in their pregnancy. Most obstetricians would recommend against drinking during the first trimester, and those who will say that drinking is okay in moderation, will usually say, again, not to drink in the first trimester but to drink a very small amount, perhaps a very small amount of wine during the later parts of pregnancy. However, every women should have that discussion with her own obstetrician and take the advice of that physician. If you make a decision while pregnant to drink in consultation with your obstetrician, it's extremely important to remember that if you do drink, you should drink in very small amounts in order to minimize any potential damage to the fetus.

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