Wednesday 28 March 2018

How Alcohol Affects Your Body | Alcoholism

Alcoholism is disease, here’s some resources to help you fight back: Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach I Need to Stop Drinking!: How to get back your self-respect. Why You Drink and How to Stop: A Journey to Freedom: Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book: Alcoholics: Dealing With an Alcoholic Family Member, Friend or Someone You Love: Watch more How to Understand Alcoholism videos: People are often concerned about how alcohol use can affect their bodies. Well, alcohol can affect your body in several ways. Even people who don't drink problematically can have some physical changes based on regular alcohol use. The typical change that people will usually think of is the beer gut, will be gaining weight. Alcohol makes one retain water, and people dehydrate, and then they bloat. So people will, you know, after an evening of drinking people may feel the next day bloated and be, in fact, bloated. With regular use people can develop an actual abdominal fat. With prolonged use then there can be more changes that go beyond cosmetic that can be harmful to you. Those can include different medical problems that involve different organ systems in your body; your heart, your liver, your stomach, your pancreas, and your kidneys. So there's a range effects of alcohol on your body, from very mild to moderate to severe.

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