Monday, 1 March 2021

How to Say "I Don't Understand" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: How to say "I don't understand." Nie rozumiem. Nie rozumiem. So the first word is easy, it's nye. And the second word, rozu-myem, rozu-myem, rozu-myem. Nie rozumiem. So I want to hear you say it. Perfect. To say I'm confused, jestem zmieszany. Jestem zmieszany. So a little slower, yes-tem zmyea-shaa-ny. So the first word is yes-tem,yes-tem. And the second word,zmyea, zmyea-shaa-ny, an sz makes a sh sound. So, zmyea-shaa-ny, zmyea-shaa-ny. Jestem zmieszany. Now, I want to hear you say it. That sounds perfect. To say I don't know, nie wien. Nice and easy, nie wien. So, nyea-wyem. Ws in Polish sound like vs, wyem, nyea-wyeam. Nie Wiem. Let me hear you say it. Very good! To say I'm not sure, you say nie jestem pewny. Now that's how a male would say it. I'll teach you how a female would say it in just a second. So, a male says nie jestem pewny. Nyea yes-tem pev-ny. Ws in Polish sound like vs, so pev-ny. And ys sound like es, so pev-ny, nyea yes-tem pev-ny. Nie jestem pewny. Go ahead, I want to hear you say it. Good. Now, the only difference when're you saying it to a female is you say nie jestem pewna. So pev-ny is male, pev-na is female. So, let's break it down one more time, just for practice. Nyea yes-tem pev-na. Again, the w is a v sound, pev-na. Nie jestem pewna. Now let me hear you try. Good. To say I have no idea,you say nie mam pojęcia. Nie mam pojęcia. Nyea maam poy-ewcya. So js in Polish make a ye sound and then the E with an accent under it is an elm. So it's yelm, poy-ewcya. Nyea maam poy-ewcya. Nie mam pojęcia. Go ahead, you try it. You make it sound so easy. That's perfect. Those are a few different ways of saying "I don't understand."

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