Wednesday, 3 March 2021

How to Say "Happy Holidays" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: How to say "Happy holidays." "Wesołych świ�...t." "Wesołych świ�...t." So let's break this one down. The L with a line through it turns the L into a "wyh." So that's the accent, "wyh." So "ve-so-wyh." The CH, the C is technically silent, so it's almost as if there was only an H there. "Ve-so-wyh," "wesołych." Then the S with an accent turns it into a "sh," so "shv-yawt." And the A with a little accent under it turns the A into "aw." So we have "shv-yawt." "Shv-yawt." "Świ�...t." "Wesołych świ�...t." Okay, let me hear you say, "Happy holidays." Very good. That's great. To say, "Happy New Year," you say, "Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku." "Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku." So this one's a little bit of a tongue twister, but let's break it down. An SZ is a "sh," and then a CZ is a "ch." So it's "shch." Ę, an with an accent, is an "ehw" [SP]. Then an S with an accent on top is a "sh." So we have a couple of different things happening there--"sh-ch-ehw-sh," "szczęś." Let's try just that part. "Szczęś." "Szczęś." And then it's "lee-ve-go." So the second part is easy. It's the first part that's tricky. "Szczęśliwego." "No-ve-go," "nowego." "Ro-ku," "roku." "Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku." So at full speed, "Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku." Now let me hear you say "Happy New Year." Very nice, I'm impressed. Great job. Now if you want to ask somebody, "Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?" you say, "Czy masz jakieś plany na sylwestra?" "Czy masz jakieś plany na sylwestra?" Okay, let's work with this. "Chy ma-sh," the SZ is a "sh," so not a "shh," but a "sh." So that's the difference. "Ma-sh ya-kye-sh"--the S with an accent is a "sh," so "ya-kyesh." I want to make sure that you hear the difference between "ma-sh ya-kye-sh." The difference, "mash ya-kyesh." Then "pla-ny," "plany na syl-ve-stra." Ws in Polish sounds like an American V. "Sylwestra." So "chy mash ya-kyesh pla-ny na syl-ve-stra." "Czy masz jakieś plany na sylwestra?" Now go ahead, give it a shot. Very nice. Very nice. To say, "Happy Easter," you say, "Wesołych wielkanoc." "Wesołych wielkanoc." So it's two words. "Ve," Ws in the Polish language sounds like a V, "ve-so-wyh." An L with a line through it is an accent that changes the L to a "wo." Then a CH, the C is silent. So "ve-so-wyh," "wesołych," "vyel-ka-nots," "vyel-ka-nots," "wielkanoc." Go ahead. Give it a shot. Very good. You're a natural. And that is how you say "Happy holidays."

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