Monday 1 June 2020

How to Do a Standing Kickback | Sexy Butt

Like these Butt Workouts !!! Check out the official app Trying to get Bootylicious? Here’s some resources to help you shape up: Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs: 10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift: Butt Workouts by Chia Booty: Fat Burning Butt Lift & Thigh Workout for a Perfect Ass & Sexy Legs: Get That Bubble Butt!: How to Sculpt Your Butt: Watch more Sexy Butt Workout videos: How to do standing kick-backs for a sexy butt. So pretty much, your feet are together. You're just going to start off with one leg, whichever leg you choose. And kick that leg, keep the toe pointed, kick that leg all the way up and down. So this is really going to just focus on just that glute. Make sure that you're standing nice and tall, upright, shoulders are rolled back, your chest is up, your abs are tight and engaged, so there's no tension in that lower back. So when you kick the leg up you're not throwing your back into it. You're really controlling just from that glute. So you can keep that leg back, kick it up and down, just like that, up and down. Keep that toe pointed, keep that leg long, really focus on squeezing your butt here. So you can alternate these, you can do right and then left, right and then left. Or you can do ten on each side. So 10 on just the left and then switch it, 10 on just the right. But you really just want to focus on squeezing your butt tight when you kick that leg up. Same thing on the other side, just really focus on that tight squeeze in the glute as you kick it back. And that's how you do standing kick-backs for a sexy butt.

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