Friday 5 June 2020

Alcoholism & Depression | Alcoholism

Alcoholism is disease, here’s some resources to help you fight back: Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach I Need to Stop Drinking!: How to get back your self-respect. Why You Drink and How to Stop: A Journey to Freedom: Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book: Alcoholics: Dealing With an Alcoholic Family Member, Friend or Someone You Love: Watch more How to Understand Alcoholism videos: I'm frequently asked by people whether alcoholism and depression are related. Alcoholism and alcohol problems can often cause people to feel depressed. Alcohol is a depressant. When people start drinking, at first when they start drinking alcohol elevates one's mood. And then your mood decreases with more alcohol. So it is actually a depressant, even though some people do feel like they have fun and they feel light when they are on alcohol. It's not clear that alcohol necessarily causes depression; however, if one has a propensity towards depression, alcohol will worsen it and can accelerate a depressive process. So if you are depressed or even mildly depressed or have a history of depression, one should think very carefully about how much one drinks.

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