Monday 16 September 2019

How to Say "May I Speak To" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: How to say "May I speak to?" Czy mogę rozmawiać z ... ? (tchy moge rose-ma-vyach z), Czy mogę rozmawiać z ... ? (tchy moge rose-ma-vyach z). So, let's break this down. Czy mogę (tchy moge), and E with an accent under is makes the E an ew. Rozmawiać (rose-ma-vyac), a C with an accent on top turns the C into a ch. Rozmawiać (rose-ma-vyac), Rozmawiać (rose-ma-vyac) z (z). Czy mogę rozmawiać z ... ? (tchy moge rose-ma-vyach z). Go ahead, give it a shot. Very good, very good. To say "Is 'blank' home?," you say Czy jest blank w domu? (tchy yest blank v dome-oo), Czy jest ... w domu? (tchy yest ... v dome-oo). So, let's break this down. Czy (tchy), Czy (tchy), jest (yest), jest (yest), w (v). The w in the Polish language sounds like a v, so w domu (v dome-oo). Czy jest blank w domu? (tchy yest blank v dome-oo). Go ahead, now you try. Very good. Those are a few ways to say "May I speak to?"

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