Tuesday 25 June 2019


Supermarkets are responsible for a THIRD of the plastic packaging that we buy in the UK, but offer very limited choices for customers who want to shop without so much single-use plastic. If you, like us, have had enough of so much unnecessary plastic packaging all over our supermarket shopping then you can get involved with #OurPlasticFeedback. We know that supermarkets love to get “customer feedback” so we’re doing just that and feeding the plastic back to them! Over the next 7 days, people across the country who want supermarkets to change their ways can join the #OurPlasticFeedback - grab that annoying piece of plastic, write your message on it and drop it off at the supermarket it came from. That will encourage them to think about how they package their food and sell it... And please take a selfie or better still a video and share on #OurPlasticFeedback. Change is coming!

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