Friday 21 December 2018

How to Make & Knead Sandwich Dough | Make Bread

Watch more How to Make Bread videos: RECIPE: 820 g bread flour, 20 g honey, 550 g whole milk, 18 g sea salt, 18 g fresh yeast, 100 g unsalted butter. Mix by hand; this dough will kill mixer. Mix ingredients by hand in bowl until dough comes together. Transfer to work surface and knead until dough passes windowpane test. Let ferment 2 hours punching down after 1st hour. After fermenting, shape into Pullman loaf by rolling dough up, jelly-roll style, and pressing it down evenly into an oiled Pullman loaf pan. Proof for approx. 2 hours or until dough starts to grow out from lid of pan. Bake in 350F oven for 50 minutes to 1 hr. Okay, so I'm going to be making a sandwich dough and I'm making a very classic recipe of sandwich dough. And this recipe is French is pain au lait and it means milk bread. It is the quintessential, white, slicing sandwich bread, and it's got a great, very tender crumb, from the milk that's in the dough and also there's a little bit of butter. So I'm going to show you how to mix this dough using a stand mixer. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to scale out my liquid ingredients. I'm going to scale out my milk, and I need 550 grams of milk, and into that milk I'm going to measure 20 grams of honey. Then I'm going to scale out 100 grams of butter. This has already been scaled out, I'm just going to add it into my liquid. At this point I'm going to pour it right into here. Okay, and now I'm going to just sort of take my spatula and get my honey out of the bottom. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add 18 grams of fresh yeast and 18 grams of salt. If you don't have fresh yeast on hand, I usually use instant yeast. You can get instant yeast at any grocery store, it's virtually the same as active dry, so if you find active dry you can use active dry, too. I used 18 grams of fresh yeast. If you want to convert that into instant yeast or into active dry yeast, just divide by three, so then you'll have six grams of instant yeast. And so now I'm going to add in 825 grams of bread flour and I like to put the liquid ingredients on the bottom of the bowl, and then the dry ingredients on the top, when I'm using any kind of a mixer. If you try and put the dry ingredients on the bottom first, what happens is they don't get fully incorporated with the liquid ingredients, and you'll end up with some dry patches in your dough. So now I'm going to turn the mixer on and I'm going just mix on a very low speed, just to incorporate the ingredients. So this is a rather stiff dough, and so I can hear that the mixer is having a hard time incorporating it. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to let the mixer incorporate all of the ingredients, and this is a great little trick. If you don't feel like getting your hands really messy, but you still want to knead your bread by hand, just let the mixer do the work in the beginning by incorporating the ingredients, and then take the dough out and knead it by hand. So that's what we're going to do. We are using a Kitchen-Aid stand mixer, and we're using the dough hook attachment. There's also a paddle attachment for like cookies and cakes. There's also a whisk attachment or whip attachment for beating meringues. So my dough, I'm going to turn the mixer off, and I'm going to lift it up and take this dough out of the mixer. You can see it's a very soft dough, because its got butter in it. What's going to happen now is I'm going to finish kneading it by hand, and so I'm just going to dust my hands with the flour and I'm going to fold over and just sort of knead this dough really quickly. It's going to get a little messy as I'm going, because I'm incorporating the butter into the dough. So I'm moving this dough over to the board to finish it by hand, because as I was listening to the dough mix in the stand mixer, I could hear the motor. It's a very heavy piece of dough and the motor wasn't going to be able to handle the kneading of this dough, so in this case, it's just better to mix it by hand. I'll add a little more flour to my surface, so that the dough doesn't stick. I'm really using the weight of my hands and my body. I'm sort of pushing into the dough when I'm kneading it. That really helps it to come together faster. And I'm using a lot of flour on this dough, on this surface as I'm kneading it, because there is butter in this dough and it is a stickier dough and a little bit of flour. But this recipe isn't going to affect the outcomes too much. So I'm going to knead this for about six to seven minutes. Okay, so I've been kneading this dough for about six or seven minutes. It looks to me like its nicely developed. I'm going to do a quick window pane test, ju

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