Friday 28 September 2018

How to Do a Step-Up | Sexy Butt

Like these Butt Workouts !!! Check out the official app Trying to get Bootylicious? Here’s some resources to help you shape up: Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs: 10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift: Butt Workouts by Chia Booty: Fat Burning Butt Lift & Thigh Workout for a Perfect Ass & Sexy Legs: Get That Bubble Butt!: How to Sculpt Your Butt: Watch more Sexy Butt Workout videos: How to do a step up for a sexy butt. So, you're going to need a step or a box. Something that you can put all your weight on. Can even be a stack of books. Whatever you find at home that you can put all your weight on. So, for the Step Up it's pretty simple. You're just stepping up on the box or whatever it is that you're using and just stepping right back down. So, when you step up on that box again, always for that sexy butt, you want to press through that heel. Really dig through that heel as you press up. You can step the other foot next to it and then step it right back down. So, you can do this all on one side, just with the right right here. Step up and down. Up, down. Up, down. Right foot steps and then this steps back. Just like that. And then you can do, you know, ten to 12 on that side. And then switch to that left side. Step up and down. Up and down. But again, the key is to really focus on digging through that heel. You can also alternate those legs. So, you can step up with the right and tap down. And then step up with the left and tap down. So, the faster you go with this exercise the more you're going to get that heart pumping, that heart rate up. More of that calorie burn. More of that cardio aspect while you're still also targeting the butt. So again, step up. Dig through the heel and take it back down. Other side. Step it up and then take it back down. And that's how you do a step up for a sexy butt.

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