Wednesday 4 April 2018

Ideal Candidate for Liposuction | Plastic Surgery

Considering Plastic Surgery? Check out these resources: The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery: Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery: The Miracle of Makeup: Navigate Your Beauty: Smart and Safe Plastic Surgery Solutions: Essentials of Plastic Surgery: Watch more Plastic Surgery Guide videos: We're discussing who would be the ideal candidate for liposuction. Liposuction works very well in well-selected patients. Patients need to have relatively thick, elastic skin without an abundance of skin. In addition, ideally, patients would not have an enormous excess of fatty tissue, but they would have smaller, locally contained collections of fatty tissue. For example, the lower abdomen or the lower part of the stomach is a very difficult area to get completely flat. Diet, exercise, no matter what you do, it's very difficult to get rid of that last little bit of lower abdominal fat. A patient who has that little bit of lower abdominal fat is a perfect candidate. Patients who have an enormous abundance of fatty tissue often end up with better results by performing a regimen of diet and exercise first and then considering their options with their plastic surgeon, but patients who have a mild-to-moderate excess amount of excess fatty tissue in discrete areas benefit best from liposuction surgery.

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