Friday, 24 April 2020

How to Make Bread with Melissa Weller | Make Bread

Watch more How to Make Bread videos: Hi. My name is Melissa Weller and I'm a bread baker. I live in Brooklyn, New York. I am so happy to share making bread at home with you. I just want to tell you a little bit about myself. I started out working as a chemical engineer and then I career transitioned into bread and pastry, probably because I spent a year in France when I was in college, and I just fell in love with the bread there and fell in love with the pastries. I was so enamored by the process that I just wanted to learn how to do it and I wanted to learn how to make the most beautiful breads that I possibly could. So after several years of working as a chemical engineer I changed my career and I started working in restaurants in California, in San Francisco and San Diego, and I just desired to learn more, so I moved to New York and I studied pastry at the French Culinary Institute. After I graduated at the French Culinary Institute I started baking around the city. I spent two years at Babbo in the Village making pastries and plated desserts, and then that led to a wonderful opportunity where I spent a summer at Bread Alone making bread and mixing bread at Bread Alone. Then I transitioned to Sullivan Street Bakery here in Manhattan and I spent a year at Sullivan Street. I learned under Jim Lahey, great techniques for fermentation. It really shaped me as a baker.Then from Sullivan Street Bakery I auditioned for head baker at Per Se and Bouchon Bakery and it was there that I was the head baker for two years. It was there that I really expanded my repertoire of breads. I left Per Se and Bouchon Bakery to have my son. I took a little bit of time off, and from there I went on to establish and create the Bread Program and Pastry Program at Roberta's in Brooklyn. I am just so enamored by creating flavorful, fully fermented beautiful loaves of bread, that it's my goal someday to have my own bakery. If you're interested in learning more about me and more about the breads that I bake and if you're interested in a recipe for one of the breads that you saw me demonstrate, please, please visit my blog. It's and I'd love to have you as a visitor. I hope that these videos inspire you to try these breads at home.

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