Wednesday, 4 March 2020

How to Do a Side Lunge | Sexy Butt

Like these Butt Workouts !!! Check out the official app Trying to get Bootylicious? Here’s some resources to help you shape up: Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs: 10 Minute Solution: Butt Lift: Butt Workouts by Chia Booty: Fat Burning Butt Lift & Thigh Workout for a Perfect Ass & Sexy Legs: Get That Bubble Butt!: How to Sculpt Your Butt: Watch more Sexy Butt Workout videos: How to do a side lunge for a sexy butt. So, for this lunge you're going to shift your weight to one side of your body, and then come right back. So your starting position is here, feet are together. You're going to start off shifting that weight to one side. You're going to lunge all the way down, keep the other leg straight. And then you're going to press back to your starting position. So, things to think about, focus on shoulders are rolled back, chest is up, abs are always engaged and tight. When you come out to the side really focus on that heel. Again, pressing through that heel, pushing the weight back, keeping the weight loaded in your heel. So you're really targeting the back of the leg and the butt. So you come all the way down, sit low in it, and then bring it right back. So you come out to the side, and then take it back. So again, you can do ten on one side, ten right here. And then switch to the other side, and do ten on this side. Or you can alternate right and left. You can do left, and then right, or whichever way. I'll just show you this way. So really focus on pushing your weight all the way back into that heel, pushing the hips all the way back, and then bring it back to that starting position. And that's how you do a side lunge for a sexy butt.

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