Wednesday 25 December 2019

How to Say "How Much Is This" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: How to say, how much is this? How much does this cost? ile to kosztuje? ee-le toe ko-shtoo-yea So let's break it down. Now you give it a shot. That was great. Now if you want to ask somebody, Is this for sale? You say Jest to na sprzedaz? So let's slow this one down and break it apart yest toe nah spshed-aash So at full speed it sounds like this yest toe nah spshed-aash Go ahead. Why yes it is, thanks for asking. That's how you say, Is this for sale? Jest to na sprzedaz? If you want to ask, Do you take credit card? Wezmiesz karte kredytowa? So let's break this one down to three words. A little tricky, but I think you got this. vesh-myesh kart-eh credit-oval. The accent on the 'a' turns it into an 'al' Go ahead, ask me. Yes we do, that was great. So those are a few different ways to say, How much is this?

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