Friday 11 October 2019

Difference between Fasting & Cleansing | Fasting & Cleanses

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve your health or get more energy, here’s some resources for your Detox: Optimum Colon: 14 Days Quick Cleanse to Support Detox: Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit : 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Weight loss with Intermittent Fasting: Detox and Clean Your Body: The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet: Lose Weight, Get Healthy: Watch more How to Detox videos: Hi, I'm Natalia Rose. And today we're going to answer the question, "Is there a difference between a fast and a cleanse?" And the answer is yes. A fast technically means that you're just consuming one thing. A cleanse means you're actually successfully removing accumulated waste from your body. Now you can use a fast as a gateway to cleansing. You can use a fast as a way to trigger cleansing. But a fast, in it of itself, is not cleanse. In my private practice, I teach people the actual mechanics of cleansing, which requires two specific things. One is to awaken the accumulated waste matter and the second is to release the accumulated waste matter. And that there is the essential mechanics of cleansing.

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