Wednesday 17 April 2019

How to Say "What's Your Number" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: Instructor: How to say, "I'm married." Jestem zonaty. Jestem zonaty, that's how a male would say it. Jestem zonaty, yea-stem and the Z with a dot is a zha, sho-nahty, sho-naty. Jestem zonaty. Try it. Great. Now, if you're a girl and you want to say I'm married you say, Jestem zonata. The only difference is that instead of zonaty for males it's zonata for females. Jestem zonata. Let's try it one more time for practice. Jestem zonata. Go ahead, you give it a shot. Very good. To say, "I have a husband," you say, "Mam meza." Mam meza, mam mesha, that second word, that E with an accent is an elm and the z with the dot accent over it is za, so it's mesha, Mam meza. Now you give it a shot. Now I that you have a husband. Great job. To say, "I have a wife," you say, "Mam zone." Mam zone, Mam zone. The Z has a little dot over it which is the accent which turns it into a za, mam sho-ne. Go ahead you give it a shot. Good job. To say, "I'm taken," you say, "Jesem podjety." That's how a male would say it. Jestem podjety. Let's break this one down. Yea-stem, poed-yea-ty. Poed-yea-ty. Poed-yea-ty, the J is a Y and then the e with the accent is an elm so it's yelm ty, poed-yea-ty. Jestem podjety. Go ahead, say it. Very good. Now to say it if you're a girl you say, "Jestem podjeta." So males say podjety, females say podjeta. Now let's break it down just one more time for practice. Yea-stem poed-yea-ta, poed-yea-ta. Jestem podjeta, let me hear you say it. Very good. Now you know the difference. Great job. That's how you say, "I'm married."

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