Monday 25 March 2019

How to Use the Mnemonic Technique | Memory Techniques

Forget Something? Beef up your memory with these products: Unlimited Memory: How to Use Learning Strategies to Learn Faster: The Memory Book: The Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work: Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering: The Memory Jogger 2: Tools for Continuous Improvement: Memory Improvement: How To Improve Your Memory In Just 30 Days: Watch more How to Improve Your Memory videos: My name is Barry Reitman. I'm the author of "Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of a Powerful Memory" and I'd like to address the question, "What is the mnemonic system?" And in truth, the mnemonic system is any artificial system to help your natural memory. Natural memory is that which you retain without trying. You're walking by something. You see it, and it's there without your having tried. You meet someone and that someone is perhaps important to you, and you don't think to try to remember their name but you may remember it anyway. That's your natural memory. It's hit or miss. So what we do is apply various techniques. Many of them are within this video series. There's the body part technique. And the loci technique. And the rhyming technique. And many many more. Those mechanical devices to help you picture things, focus and picture things. Those represent all, collectively, mnemonics.

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