Friday 8 February 2019

How to Say "Happy New Year" in Greek | Greek Lessons

Like these Greek Lessons !!! Check out the official app Χαίρετε, Looking to learn Greek? Lonely Planet Greek Phrasebook & Dictionary Paperback: Get Your Greek On!: Basic Greek in Two Weeks: Learn Greek - Word Power 101 Kindle Edition: The Ultimate Greek Phrasebook: Read and Speak Greek for Beginners: Watch more How to Speak Greek videos: How to say, "happy new year" in Greek? "Happy new year." "Ef-tee-xee-sme-nos o ke-nour-yios xro-nos." "Happy new year." "Ef-tee-xee-sme-nos o ke-nour-yios xro-nos." Now you try. You can also say, "xro-nia po-la." "Happy new year." "Xro-nia po-la." Now you try. You can also say, "hope you have a fantastic year." "Sou ef-xo-me ka-lee xro-nia." "Hope you have a fantastic year." "Sou ef-xo-me ka-lee xro-nia." Now you try. Perhaps you wanna find out, "do you have any plans for new year's eve?" "E-xe-te ske-thee-a yia teen pa-ra-mo-nee tees pro-to-xro-nias?" "Do you have any plans for new year's eve?" "E-xe-te ske-thee-a yia teen pa-ra-mo-nee tees pro-to-xro-nias?" Now you try. And that's how to say "happy new year" in Greek.

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