Friday 6 July 2018

How to Say "Speak More Slowly" in Polish | Polish Lessons

Like these Polish Lessons !!! Check out the official app Cześć! Looking to learn Polish? Polish, Q&S: Learn to Speak: Polish, Basic: Learn to Speak and Understand Polish: Polish For Dummies 1st Edition: Berlitz Polish Phrase Book & Dictionary: Polish: 101 Common Phrases Kindle Edition : Watch more How to Speak Polish videos: How to say speak more slowly. Mow wolniej. So, these are two different words. The first word is mow. The O, with a line accent on top, makes it a OO and then Ws sound like Vs in polish. So moof vol-nyey. Mow wolniej. Go ahead, speak slowly. Very good. To say, I can't understand you, you say nie moge cie zrozumiec. Nie moge cie zrozumiec. So, let's break these words down. Nyea moe-ge.The E, with the accent underneath it, makes an [inaudible 00:01:00] So it's moe-ge chyea. There's that E accent again. Chyea zrozoo-myeach. The C, with the accent on top of it, is a Ch sound. So zrozoo-myeach. Nyea moe-ge chyea zrozoo-myeach. Nie moge cie zrozumiec. Go ahead, tell me. Well, I understand you perfectly. So, great job. To say, I don't know, you say nie wiem. Nie wiem. Two really easy words. Nie wiem. Ws, in Polish, sound like Vs. So nyea vyem. Nei wiem. Go ahead, give it a shot. Very good. Those are a couple different ways to say speak more slowly.

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