Monday 4 December 2017

How to Read the Eights | Tarot Cards

Unlock the mysteries of Tarot: The Complete Guide to the Tarot: The Tarot Bible: The Definitive Guide to the Cards: Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards: The Essential Tarot Kit: Book and Card Set: The Rider Tarot Deck Cards: Watch more How to Read Tarot Cards videos: Hello. I'm Ellen Goldberg and I welcome you to a Tarot moment from the School of Oracles. In this segment, we're gonna have a brief overview of the four Eights of each of the suits of the Minor Arcana. The Eights, in relation to the Tree of Life, belong to the Sphere of Hud, ruled by Mercury, and so it is a mental suit, and therefore each of the Eights has some mental attribute about it. The first we'll look at is the Eight of Wands, whose name is the Lord of Swiftness. It's the only card in the Minors of this deck that doesn't have, say, a picture of a scene that describes it, but simply has eight wands. But there's a reason for that. It is a scene, in and of itself. This Lord of Swiftness, whose astrological attribution is the planet Mercury and the sign of Sagittarius, the mind is going fast. And the eight wands here are like arrows shooting through the air, and it has to do so much with force approaching its goal. Things are happening swift and fast. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is a big freewheeling sign, and Mercury, our fastest planet, and Sagittarius, the archer who shot these arrows, is never gonna hold Mercury back. And so everything that happens with this card, happens fast. Some of the meanings on the higher polarity is force approaching its goal, quick decisions, impulsive decisions, sometimes even long journeys, because both Mercury and Sagittarius love to travel. Know that you're going to be learning things maybe even by the school of hard knocks, because you're gonna be going through things so fast you might want to take a little time and, uh, just make your mind up a little more carefully. On the lower polarity, well, things have gone too swiftly. Maybe you've gone so fast, you've even overshot the goal. Missed the goal. This card, on the lower polarity, says "slow down". You may be in an absolute frenzy, and it will take you nowhere but panic and disorganization. The Eight of Cups is called the Lord of Abandoned Success and its astrological attribution is Saturn, planet of karma, and the sign of Pisces, the most mystical. So this is a very spiritual and mystical karma. In fact, many saints had the placement of Saturn and Pisces. It's a test of severance. Can you let go? Here we see somebody who is leaving eight cups that are standing. They have not fallen over as we see in many of the other cups. They're full, and yet he's wearing a red cloak and red shoes, showing the passion for walking the mystic path. He's leaving something behind which other people may not understand why, because it's full. But he knows. He knows he's doing it for himself, and for the higher self. There's an eclipse of the moon going on here, or perhaps an eclipse of the sun. But those eclipses represent times to go interior, so this is an interior decision going on, and it's also mental because they've made the decision to let go. Sometimes, with this card, you're forced to let go. On the lower polarity, one of the meanings I know is, "The flood comes, head for the hills." Other times, it's desertion. Paralysis. Just leaving, even before the situation warrants it. I always get a kick out of what Aleister Crowley said about this in the more negative manner, because he said, "This card is like the morning after the night before, only the night before never happened." You just have that feeling. The Eight of Swords is called the Lord of Shortened Force. Remember the eights are mental, and here we are in a mental suit, so there's definitely a very big lesson in this card. Its astrological attribution is Jupiter and Gemini, where it is in its detriment, because Jupiter is so big and expansive and Gemini is the mental sign, and here the thoughts are all over the place. No wonder they call it Shortened Force. It's not just because it's held in, this is what the mind looks like when it's trying to do too many things, and it's try- has, uh, really shortened its own power by scattering itself all over the place. Sometimes there's a sense of isolation, and yet her blindfold is loose, her binding is loose, she could wriggle out of that in a moment if she chose to. There's advice with this card: Stop thinking. Stop talking. Meditate. Pull in your activities. Center yourself. And then it will calm down and become clear. When this card is on its higher polarity, just wiggle o

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