Thursday, 27 July 2017

How To Set Up a Beehive

Watch the full episode: Ask This Old House’s Roger Cook takes you through everything you need to plan and install a beehive in your backyard or a field near your home. Click here to SUBSCRIBE to the official This Old House YouTube channel: Time: 1-2 days Cost: $300 Skill Level: Medium Tools List: Protective Beekeeping suit Sprayer filled with sugar water Bee brush Hive tool Shopping List: Langstroth Beekeeping Kit Cinderblocks Protective gear 3-lb package of bees Steps: 1. Consider hiring a professional beekeeper if you feel you need help. 2. Place cinderblocks on the ground to keep the hive dry and out of any rainwater 3. Place the baseboard on top of the blocks 4. Place the Langstroth bee box on the bottom board. 5. Hang the new ‘frames’ by the rabbit ears. 6. Hang the older, pre-started frames from another hive. 7. Spray your 3-lb bee package with sugar water, coating the bees. 8. Remove the Queen cage, take out the plug and hang the Queen box in the middle of the frames with the candy-side facing down. 9. Don protective clothing and pour the bees into the box of frames. 10. Use a Bee brush to gently brush the bees off the top of the frames and into the hive. 11. Place the inner cover on top of the box. 12. Add the internal feeder and fill with a mixture of a pound of sugar to one pint of water. You’ll need roughly a gallon 13. Place the internal cover and external cover on the hive to protect the bees 14. Put a rock on the top to make sure the cover stays on. 15. Leave the bee package next to the hive so any remaining bees can find their way to the hive 16. In a month add another bee box layer with frames as the hive grows. Follow This Old House and Ask This Old House: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest: G+: Instagram: Tumblr:

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